Bullet bra, vintage studio photo

4.6 (144) · $ 22.00 · In stock

This photo comes in nice condition, it seems to have been trimmed down pretty heavily and does have some creasing. Sold as is.

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Vintage 1940s black satin bra. 40s pin up bullet bra lingerie.

Vintage 1940s Black Pin Up Bullet Bra

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Bullet Bras Ruled The 1940s And 1950s, And These 50 Pics Point Out Why

Bullet Bras Ruled The 1940s And 1950s, And These 50 Pics Point Out Why


Va-Voom Bullet Bra: Day 2 Cutting and Cup Assembly / Va-Voom Vintage

Bullet Bra: The Indispensable Underwear for the Sweater Girls in the 1940s and 1950s ~ Vintage Everyday

Bullet Bras Ruled The 1940s And 1950s, And These 50 Pics Point Out Why