5 Things a Mentally Strong Woman Would Never Do - WomenWorking

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How many thoughts do you think a woman has each day? The answer: scientists estimate the average woman has about 60,000 thoughts each day! A mentally strong woman has a secret power to stay focused on the thoughts that need her energy for her goals. Here are five thoughts to avoid to help you be that mentally strong woman.     She doesn’t blame others Instead of taking other people’s behavior personally, you want to sort out what aspects of the other person’s behavior are that are a result of THEIR limitations and what the aspects are of this situation to which you might have contributed. A strong woman takes 100% responsibility for everything that she can control within her 50% of any situation. She doesn’t allow herself to be hijacked by what other people say or do See other people’s behavior as a function of their own limitations rather than automatically assuming their behavior means something about you.  When you weigh other people’s opinion of you more than you trust your own opinion of yourself, you’ll think you need to control their behavior. You might put a lot of pressure on them to validate you and you’ll hide anything […]

Strong with Swan

14 things strong women never, ever do (so you shouldn't either) - Hack Spirit

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5 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do Or Tolerate

5 things Mentally Strong Women Never Do… - WomenWorking

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5 Things a Mentally Strong Woman Would Never Do - WomenWorking

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10 things mentally strong women never do - Hack Spirit

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