What is 90 degrees North latitude? - Quora

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Is X, latitude, or longitude in GPS coordinates? - Quora

How many people live in north arctic? - Quora

How can two cities of the same latitude have a different climate? - Quora

Where on Earth are there no parallel lines (latitude and longitude)? - Quora

How can we make someone understand about latitudes and longitudes? - Quora

Why does magnetic North Pole migrate? - Quora

How far off is true north from magnetic north? - Quora

What effect does longitude have on climate? - Quora

What is a line of longitude that would be found in North America? - Quora

Why does temperature fall with increasing latitude (as we move from the equator towards poles)? - Quora

Latitude and Longitude - notesychs

What time is it at 70 degrees west, if it is noon at 90 degree East? - Quora

What country is at latitude 56 degrees north, longitude 38 degrees east? - Quora