Fit indices and cutoff criteria used for SEM evaluation

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PDF] Evaluating Cutoff Criteria of Model Fit Indices for Latent Variable Models with Binary and Continuous Outcomes

Flexible cutoff values for fit indices in the evaluation of structural equation models. - Document - Gale Academic OneFile

RMSEA, CFI, and TLI in structural equation modeling with ordered categorical data: The story they tell depends on the estimation methods

Fit indices and cutoff criteria used for SEM evaluation.

Full article: A Corrected Goodness-of-Fit Index (CGFI) for Model Evaluation in Structural Equation Modeling

Frontiers Evaluating Fit Indices for Multivariate t-Based Structural Equation Modeling with Data Contamination

Why we need to abandon fixed cutoffs for goodness-of-fit indices: An extensive simulation and possible solutions

PDF) Cutoff criteria for overall model fit indexes in generalized structured component analysis

Applications of structural equation modeling (SEM) in ecological studies: an updated review, Ecological Processes